Well, Ethan is 6 months old today and to bring on the new month, he got sick! His first cold :( It started late last evening when I started noticing the symptoms especially when it took him so long to fall asleep. He would just fall asleep and then he would cough and of course that would wake him up. Poor guy. Today, it got much worse. He has watery eyes (just like his mommy when she gets sick), a runny nose and a cough. And in between, lots of sneezes. He's very whinny and cries quite a bit, but at the same time, very lethargic. He doesn't even want to stand or bounce and that is very unusual. I'm hoping this won't last too long, but I have a feeling that Wackie and I are going to pick up his cold fast seeing that he sneezes right into our faces. I hope he will sleep a little better tonight.
> He's very whiny and cries quite a bit, but at the same time, very lethargic
This is how I behave when I have a cold, so Helen will be prepared one day when we have children!
Actually, she might say this is how I behave *every day*, so I'll chalk that up to extra preparation...;)
Anonymous, at April 07, 2008 12:33 PM
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