Growing Up
Ethan is looking more and more like a little boy, rather than a baby. Lately, he has been finding his hand and sucking on them which tells us he is developing since now he can move his hand to his mouth. He has also learned to put his little hands together and pick up his toys. Of course, he has also started to blow raspberries which is his new found joy. He even tries while feeding, but it doesn't work too well. He also likes to stand and bounce which tells us we better go and get one of those exersaucers that allows him to jump. My arms just aren't strong enough to bounce him for a long time. He can probably roll over from his back to his tummy, but I always stop him, cuz the only time he wants to do that is on the change table! Too scary - little dare devil. As the weather is warming up, I'm looking forward to bringing him out for walks, but first we need to get a stroller with bigger wheels. I guess there is always new things to buy...
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Anonymous, at February 20, 2008 1:23 AM
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