In Bloom
I love watching plants and especially my orchids grow and bloom. This orchid plant is extra special as it was given to me by my parents the day Ethan was born. It was in full bloom back in October, but the blooms quickly fell after bringing it home. It was quite sad watching each bloom fall off. I cut the bloom stems off and look, it's back in bloom! It grew 2 new shoots and in a few weeks, it'll be in full bloom. Aren't they pretty. This is a different type of orchid than your usual ones you see in store. This one is in the family of the Oncidium; Tiger Crow "Golden Girl", I like it because it's yellow (more unusual flower color) and it looks so different. Enjoy the blooms.
That is one pretty orchid!
Anonymous, at February 20, 2008 1:07 PM
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