Happy birthday Wackie!
Well, it's Wackie's big Birthday tomorrow. I don't know if I'm allowed to disclose his age, so I won't, but hey, we are all getting older each year. I find it very hard to buy Wackie gifts whether it is his Birthday, Christmas, Anniversary or anything else. You see, if you know him, he is one practical and picky guy when it comes to buying things. It takes him years to decide whether he wants to buy something weighing in, do I really need this, can I live without it? He sometimes gives me hints but it usually all fails anyways. I remember last Christmas he asked for new clothes, so I went out bought him 2 new pair of pants and shirts and he returned them all! "They didn't fit right". Then this year in HK he was looking for a new electrical razor and didn't get one, so I got him one for Christmas. Well, it's still sitting in our closet waiting for us to return it because apparently, his old razor, the one he is using now, is still good enough. Can I ever win?!?
I'll have to keep you posted on whether he'll return my birthday gift. I can't tell you what I got him in case he reads this post before tomorrow. But he told me he wanted this for his Birthday. I just had to find him the right one.
Wish me luck!
P.S. Happy 32nd Birthday Wackie! Ha ha ha. :)
I'll have to keep you posted on whether he'll return my birthday gift. I can't tell you what I got him in case he reads this post before tomorrow. But he told me he wanted this for his Birthday. I just had to find him the right one.
Wish me luck!
P.S. Happy 32nd Birthday Wackie! Ha ha ha. :)
When in doubt, Wacky, give him a gift card to one of his favourite restaurants. That way, *everybody* wins ;)
PS - I highly recommend going to Lux Steakhouse downtown. It has a great atmosphere. La Tapa is another good one!
Mrs. Loquacious, at March 05, 2006 8:59 AM
Or what about getting that Home Reno book that the Non-Wacky Wong's own?!? Hasn't he been eyeing that book for some time??
And that would be a gift you can totally enjoy too...especially once your basement is complete :)
Vanilla Con, at March 05, 2006 3:54 PM
Fuuny there Vanilla since we are the ones that own the Home Reno book and the Non-Wackies want it.
No, no tools cuz it'll just sit and collect dust, he's also not into dancing or cooking lessons and dinner is always already part of the gift. But glad to say, he is keeping his pair of runners and shirt so far...
Wackies, at March 06, 2006 7:06 PM
Haha...sorry...wrong Wongs!!!
Vanilla Con, at March 06, 2006 9:29 PM
I do enjoy the gifts however, I have not had an opportunity to use them yet. And and big thanks to those who came over and for the birthday gifts. I think Wacky will be using them more than I will! (well the gift cards anyways!) haha
Wackies, at March 07, 2006 3:51 PM
Strange how the husband Wongs are so alike...maybe they are long lost brothers! Matt is also very practical and therefore difficult to buy for...I haven't resorted to buying super-practical things like socks and underwear for gifts yet!
But that's one thing I admire about Matthew, being practical and wise about spending. He doesn't like to spend money on himself. I guess except when he buys TV's :) Then he goes all out.
Maybe that's what Wackie would want too! a tv :)
Hurene, at March 08, 2006 11:59 AM
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