Monday, August 28, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Happy Birthday Superstar Jo
Yo Girl! Wishing the Superstar Jo a very Happy Happy Birthday! I sure hope the day has brought you great joy and laughter.
Make many wishes this year and watch them come true!
Happy Birthday!
Make many wishes this year and watch them come true!
Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Yoho Camping

Well, last weekend we were able to make a trip out to the mountains for some camping in Yoho national park in BC.

The temperature when we got there was around 13 degrees and by the time the evening came around it was around 5 degrees. we could definitely see our it rained for the both nights we were there!

Takakaw Falls...okay it looks small but we took this picture from a distance.

Why are we laughing? This particular fall was called the "Laughing Falls", so naturally you have to laugh! Nothing funny about it, but you just gotta! Maybe it was the water that we drank?!?!

Here we are at Emerald Lake. The lake was really calm...and green, hence the name!

Yummy delicious sweet corn from Superstore!

@ the Natural Bridge. The water use to run over the rocks as a waterfall but over many, many years it has eroded and a big hole was create in the rocks. Now there is a "natural bridge" that hangs over the water. They say eventually the rocks will erode over time and there will no longer be a "bridge"! At the time of viewing there were no idiots trying to use the bridge!

It was a good journey...
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Lost Dog!
Today I got a real sense of what it takes to look after a dog. This weekend, we have been dog sitting for friends of ours who went camping for the week. Devoutly, we have been letting the dog out and taking him for a walk around the neighborhood. Yesterday, we took him down MacKenzie Ravine but had to take a short cut when a family walked by and told us that up ahead there were coyotes that chased their dogs. Seeing that Owen is only knee high, we thought be better not risk it and took the very long flight of stairs back up and out of the River Valley. Today, I was on my own. Feeling sorry that the dog had to be cooped up in the house, after lunch I took Owen out for a very long walk again through the River Valley. Too tired and in need of a drink, I decided to stop at our house and let the dog run loose in our yard. After walking through our backyard and dog proofing any potential get a-ways, I gave him water and went inside. After cooling down a bit, I peeked outside and saw him lying on the stairwell. Thinking he was okay, I fell asleep on the couch. After waking up, I decided I better go check on the dog and lone and behold, there was no dog in sight! Panicking, I start looking very thoroughly through our backyard looking behind bushes and flowers and still couldn't find him. I start yelling his name looking to see where he could of escape. I run to the back alley looking frantically and even go into our neighbor's backyard thinking maybe he squeezed himself through the fence. No dog! I call Wackie in a panic saying I lost the dog! Not much I could do but look, so I take the leash and walk out my gate. I see my neighbor across the street and I ask her if she seen a greyish looking dog? She goes, that one and points behind me. Owen is running towards me. He jumps up and down all excited to see me. I'm like, yep, that would be the one. Where did he go? I have no idea. Maybe he was hiding on me, maybe he was stuck somewhere, maybe he did run away and heard me yelling his name. But none the less, the dog is back in his home safe! Whew! Lets just say, I don't think I will be leaving that dog alone in our backyard again.
At least tomorrow I'll have Wackie with me. 4 eyes are better than 2!
At least tomorrow I'll have Wackie with me. 4 eyes are better than 2!
Friday, August 04, 2006
In Bloom
Over the past few weeks,Wackie and I have been digging and planting new plants in our new expanded flower garden and watching the grass grow. I went on a second kick of buying new plants and taking some from our friend's yard (Thanks KEY & Peacock). Looking outside our kitchen window, our backyard is finally slowly coming together. Together we have made some much needed improvement in our back and front yard. It has all been inspired by the amount of "In Bloom" nominations that appear in so many of our neighbors yards. You see, every year, Edmontonians nominate yards that are well landscaped and well kept(flower gardens) and the top finalist are posted in the Edmonton Journal. As some of you may be checking it out in the Journal, these yards are beautiful. Although our yard is no where close to being there, we have the satisfaction of saying that we did our own landscaping and planting. Yes, those that have been chosen are those that have been professionally landscaped. It's not fair! But whatever. One day, maybe our flower garden will be nominated. If only Wackie would let me get rid of more grass for more flowers...