
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Joys of Looking Young

Such a funny story that I had to share with you all.
So yesterday I had a solicitor come from some kindof environmental thing. I'm not sure cuz we never did get there. But anyway, she rang our doorbell and I opened the door. She asks right away, "Is your parents home?" and I say no. So she tells me, "Oh, I'll come back later than", I say sure, bye! And that was the end of it. I wasn't lying, just being honest. This is not the first time it has happen, but each time I get quite the kick out of it.
Bye Bye Suckers!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Spring Sprung

I'm so happy that our Spring is looking promising. You know what they say, "April Showers brings May Flowers".

I'm reading through my gardening books and deciding what I would like to plant around our house this year. However, I'm not entirely sure if I'll even get a garden this year. With the amount of work that needs to happen inside and out, I'm thinking that nothing is going to survive.

As most of you know, I love plants and trees so I'm visualizing what one day our garden will look like, but also visualizing the amount of hard labour with it. That I'm not looking forward too.

This house however is going to be much harder to plan than our first home. Our front yard faces West which provides tones of sunlight, but then our back faces East which only gets morning sunlight, that's the hard part. All the plants I like require full sun which means I need to research more to figure out our backyard.

Any suggestions?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wacky = Angel Food Cake, Wackie = Carrot Cake

Let's see if this is true. It's fun!

No cheating. If all of the desserts listed below were sitting in front of you, which would you choose?

Pick your dessert, then look to see what psychiatrists think about you!

Sorry you can only pick one dessert.

1. Angel Food Cake
2. Brownies
3. Lemon Meringue Pie
4. Vanilla Cake with Chocolate Icing
5. Strawberry Short Cake
6. Chocolate Icing on Chocolate>Cake
7. Ice Cream
8. Carrot Cake

NO - You can't change your mind once you scroll down, so think carefully what your choice will be!

OK - Now that you've made your choice, this is what psychiatric research says about you:

ANGEL FOOD CAKE... Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.

BROWNIES...You are adventurous, love new ideas, are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up, you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.

LEMON MERINGUE...Smooth, sexy, and articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many good friends.

VANILLA CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING... Fun loving, sassy, humorous.Not very grounded in life; very indecisive and lack motivation.Everyone enjoys being around you. You are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making >you mad. However, you are a friend for life.

STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE... Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people and can be counted on in a pinch. You also tend to melt. You can be overly emotional at times. And sometimes can be annoying.

CHOCOLATE ON CHOCOLATE... Sexy; always ready to give and receive.Very adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid>to take chances. Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.

ICE CREAM...You like sports, whether it be baseball, football, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports. You don't like to give up the remote control.You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.

CARROT CAKE...You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh.You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you. You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends.

Tell us what kind of dessert you are! :)

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Back to the Drawing Board

Well, we finally got our quote back from our contractor for the basement. And it wasn't what we were expecting; it was a little bit too much of a surprise! The cost jumped tremendously from his estimated cost that now, we are rethinking what we are going to do. I don't think our basement will be completed this year anymore. Sounds like Wackie just wants to contract out the bathroom, windows and the stairs insulation, which means we are on our own for insulation, drywall, flooring, painting, doors... and the list goes on. I guess it was truly too good to be true. Let the stress continue...