
Sunday, September 16, 2007

Where's Kona!?!?

We usually put Kona in the kennel when we leave the house and let him out when we get home. When we came home, I decided to do some things around the house. Later on, I went to go check on him and let him back inside. When I went out, Kona was not waiting at the door like he normally does. I called for him but there was no response either. I checked the gates and they were locked. Thinking a gate might have been left open, I went out to the street and called for him without success.

I went inside and informed Wacky and we went to the street and again called for him. Wacky then asks me if Kona was out of his kennel. I said to her that I thought she let him out...SOOO we checked his kennel and there he was!!! He did not even make a peep while he was in there! He was probably in there for a good hour before we even noticed...

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Shots and Dash!

I took Kona to the vet today to get his yearly shots. He was weighed and is no 64 lbs. Again he did pretty well and just stood on top of the table without moving as the vet stuck needles into his body. We also had the vet check out the clumps and lumps hanging off the top of his head around his ears. We thought they were skin tags (a lot of them) but the vet was able to check and determined them to be just clumps and clumps of tangled and mangled hair!

After we were done there were a lot of people at the vet so I walk Kona outside and put him in the car. I then get into the car and start it up and drive away. I went to the gas station and filled up my car and then it hit me...I did not pay for Kona's visit!!!

I went back and spoke with the attendant. She did not even realize that I had not paid. She asked around the office to see if our file was completed and had put the file away. Anyways, it was quite embarrassing but she was cool about it and laughed. She said this would have been the first for her to have someone come in and take off on the vet bill! They would have eventually found out and billed me anyways!

Another guy was there with his pet and he heard the story and we all had a good laugh!
