
Monday, March 24, 2008

Bring It On!


Wacky and I did this challenge and it turns out we can take on quite a few of them. With my 28 kids and Wacky's 27 kids, together we can take on a few classes of kindergarten kids! Turns out I have no morals on going all out on them and with Wacky's background experience in marital arts, we're a crazy wicked team.

How many can you take? Go ahead, take the challenge!!


Saturday, March 22, 2008


Our friends let us borrow their exersaucer that their son has grown out of, and Ethan is having way too much fun on it. We got it only a week ago, but he has already discovered that he can bounce and turn his seat around. He's pretty intrigued by the toys around him, and found him today turning the spinning thing around. His hand eye coordination is getting much better! He's also mouthing everything he can, so be warn, if your finger looks interesting to him, he will put it in his mouth. ha ha.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Red Chariot

Well, Wackie and I decided that it would be a good investment to purchase the Chariot. So after checking out pretty much every store that sells them, we finally got one last week. We decided to get the Cougar 2 which has room for 2, or for 1 with lots of extra space as our friends who already has them tells us it's worth it. Since buying it, we have already taken Ethan and Kona out on walks through the snow and puddles. It's so much fun, and way easier to push than our stroller through our sidewalks. We also got the attachments to convert it to a bike trailer or a normal stroller. Can't wait to use it when the weather gets even warmer. Now if they only they made them for adults! Ha ha ha.

Friday, March 07, 2008

He Giggled!!

I finally was able to capture it on video. He can laugh out loud when he wants too. Though it's short, it's so very sweet!

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Ethan and I would like to wish Daddy a HAPPY BIRTHDAY today.

I can't believe Ethan is 5 months and Daddy is 3.... something years old today. Have a good day boys.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Our Silent Laugher

You would think being my baby, that he would giggle and laugh out loud. Maybe it will come... Till then, here is our silent laugher.