
Monday, June 30, 2008

Happy 35th Anniversary

What an amazing couple... my parents celebrated their 35th Wedding Anniversary today! 35 years ago, I'm sure they imagined what their future held as they walked down that aisle. Now 35 years later, they are enjoying what their hard work has brought them: 3 grown adult children, a grandson, retirement and freedom to do what they want. I sure hope all their dreams have come true, if not all, at least most.
To my parents, Happy Anniversary. Cheers to many more anniversaries to come...
Much Love!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Clicking Master

Wow, after all those Chinese Aunts and Uncles clicking their tongue at Ethan, he has learned how to do it. And it's not soft either, he can click his tongue pretty loud. He loves when you click your tongue when he is doing it. I think he thinks it's a way of communicating with each other.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Saturday, June 14, 2008


I guess he's like Mommy... ticklish. He is ticklish everywhere, his feet, tummy, back, arm pits, everywhere. It's too funny.

Friday, June 06, 2008

2 Babies!

Our "Race Horse" Dog

Press & Seal is amazing!

Well, with Kona being so sick as he is, it's like having 2 babies at home except one is much more work... Kona! He's doing better, so the Vet says, so that means we're on the right track. He's still not eating as well, but that is probably because he's not allowed to run around, so he's burning very little off. He now has to wear socks on each of his paws to protect them, so Wackie had me buy him black socks so that they would blend in. Too bad, the athletic tape that holds them up are white. Well, he looks like a race horse now. We're also suppose to put plastic bags on each of his paws when the ground is wet outside, but we found an even better solution... Press & Seal! Amazing stuff, and the best part is, you can keep reusing them. No tape needed, just press and it sticks. ha ha. We should send in this picture to Glad and tell them what else people can use their product for. ha ha ha.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Cone for Kona

Well, he's back home now after spending a night at the Vet clinic. He's not doing too hot. He now has to take 2 more new medication so in total he's on 3 antibiotic medications. As you can see, now all 4 of his paws are bandaged up and he gets to sport a fancy cone to prevent him from trying to take his bandages off. We go back on Friday for another check up to see how he is progressing. Sadly, he is to be confined inside so when he has to go to the potty, we have to take him on his leash so that he doesn't do anything active. Not a fun birthday month for him huh? He's turning 2 this month.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Our poor Kona is not doing well these pass few days. We noticed that he started limping last week on and off and decided to bring him in to get his paws checked out. When Wackie brought him in, Kona would not let the Vet or Wackie touch his paw. It was decided that we had to bring him in the next day to get it checked out. The vet ended up having to put him under to check his paw and turned out that all of his nails were in poor shape. She mentioned that it could either be an infection or his immune system failing! It was so bad that 2 of his nails peeled right off when they were checking him (hence his colorful bandage). He's on anti-biotic for the next 30 days, plus a bath for his feet everyday. We are also trying to add in Omega 3 fatty acid supplement into his diet to see if it's something that is missing in his diet. If all of these don't work, then it means his immune system is poor. Well, this was all completed on Friday, and as of right now, Kona is right back at the Vet. While trying to chase him back into the house (since he's not suppose to be outside for long periods), something happened to one of his back paws causing him to bleed lots. Wackie had to come home to bring back to the Vet. We're waiting for the Dr.'s call. We're feeling the pain of vet bills...