
Thursday, October 18, 2007

Winging It!

Sigh... why do babies not come with a manual?!?
It's been a rough night last night as we attempted and successfully got Ethan to sleep in his own crib. The past 2 weeks, Ethan has been sleeping in our room either in his bassinet (usually didn't last long) or in our bed in between Wackie and I. I know, I know, once that happens, it's hard to get them to sleep on their own. But the convenience of the baby right there and the joy of just having your little one so close is too tempting. Besides, when else will the baby let you be so close to them? Soon, parent's just won't be "cool" anymore ;) Ethan usually has a fussy period at the last feeding before night time. He's wide awake and ends up keeping us up early into the morning with his fussiness. So, attempting to let him have some independence, we placed him in his crib and stood there trying to calm him down. After quite some time trying to calm him down, both Wackie and I decided it was time to leave the room. So we climbed into bed and listened to him cry and cry... how incredibly hard (how does one not want to get up and sooth their baby?!?). I watched the clock as he cried and finally got up to feed him after some time has passed. After feeding him and changing him, I placed him back in his sleeper and off to his crib again. Again, standing and watching, I waited till he calmed down a bit and went to bed. Well, the baby slept! I got up couple more times throughout the night to feed and change, but each time, he went to sleep in his crib!!! Prayer is strong! Not saying it was easy, I barely got any sleep as I am constantly waiting for his cry. It's now noon and I'm wanting a nap soon knowing that tonight will be yet another uneasy night...

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Baby Ethan & Mommy at the Hospital

Mommy loves you lots XOXO

Hospital & Me

Well, Ethan is now a whole week old! To me, he has already grown, as I notice he's getting a little bit heavier when I'm carrying him. Also, he's feeding better which means he is either finally getting the hang of it (or more so I am), or he's a hungry little guy. I like to call him my "Hungry Hippo". :) He's sleeping better now too which is really nice, and he lets his mommy take a nap here and there when he's napping. But this week has not gone without a trip to the Medi-centre, and back to the MIS. The day we brought Ethan home, I was taking a nap, when I felt something in my right eye. As usual, I love rubbing my eyes, so I did and the next few minutes was crazy. My eye started turning really red, and then started to swell up. Not only that, I could see this thick substance in my eye (Gross, I know). Panicking, I quickly got Wackie to look at it, and called trusty old Dr. M. With his advice we headed over the the MIS Emerg, but the wait was way too long, so we ended up at the Medi-centre. Of course, I got dropped off, not wanting Ethan exposed to sick people. Turns out, the Doc that was suppose to come in, was "on route" meaning, on his way, so I had to sit there longer than needed since I was the next person in line. After a quick check and some antihistamines drops, I was clear and my eye is good (thanks Dr. M for checking up on me the next day). Well, celebrating Ethan's week old day, I noticed that my incision was starting to not look right. I called the Health Care Nurse, then called my Doc and was advised to go to the Emerg... again! So, my dad took me to the MIS Emerg and Ethan was in good hands with my mom. After getting the initial check and chart ready, I went to go sit in the waiting room, when my name was called right away. Turns out the nurse that was taking my info, asked if I could be bumped right to the front as I just had a C-Section and probably shouldn't be waiting in the "sick" room. So, I got in right away!! Even though there had been others waiting for 5 hours plus!! How incredibly nice hey. The nurse was so nice too (so there still are very nice people out there). I was seen by the Doc pretty quickly too, and was given a prescription for antibiotics to take. Sigh... I'm getting use to this Emerg scene. I hope I don't have to go back anytime soon. Lets just pray that I don't...

Thursday, October 11, 2007

6 Days as a New Mom

Wow, has it already been 6 days???

Life has truly been changed since the arrival of Ethan to the Wackies house hold. But as a mom (wow, so very odd to say that I'm a mom), life also changes. The first 3 days of Ethan's life was spent at the hospital, listening to all the other newborns cry, getting checked every 4 hours and trying to communicate with his parents what he wanted. I have to say, the hardest had to be after visiting hours and the whole night ahead of us, just Ethan and I. Scary! After trying to get the hang of feeding (we're still working on it), changing diapers as fast as you can so that he won't cry any louder and making sure that he was warm enough, I had little energy left to even climb into bed. It also didn't help that trying not to use your "core" muscles to move made life a little bit more tough. But now at home, and the help of my parents (thank goodness) and my hands on husband (when he's home), life is getting a little calmer. I'm still sleep deprived, but hey, I also have a 6 day old son. Looking forward to what kind of adventures we're going to explore.

I'm going to sleep... if I can.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Our Son

Wow...Baby Ethan is here! It's seems like a long time coming but it has finally come and we are soo excited about it! Here's how it all began (well, from the time of birth, not conception!)

On Oct 04 I had to go work that night. I worked for a few hours until I got the call from Wackie asking me to come home because she was having quite a few contractions within 12ish minutes apart. I arrived home about 0100 hrs Oct 05 and we kept track of her contractions. For the most part they ranged from 8-10 minutes but her water had not broken yet.

We tried to get some sleep as we knew the time was coming as they were getting a little stronger. We were laying down when Wackie, in mid-contraction, felt her water break at 0316 hrs. We got her cleaned up and left for the hospital. We arrived there around 0400 hrs and was checked into the labour room where she had to endure a couple hours of pain without the epidural. At around 0600 hrs, she was finally given the epidural and things were a lot better for her. This have her time to get some sleep until 0830 hrs when the doctor got her pushing for an hour without success. The OB was brought in to see what could be done next. We were informed that Ethan was in the posterior position and was part of the reason that she was unable to push him out. A C-section was the only option at this point.

I dressed up in the OR garb and when I entered he room, it was such an emotional time as I saw my wife laying on the table with tubes hanging off her. I sat by her head as the doctors did their thing. While she was laying there she asked me to sing "If You Could See What I See", the song I sang to her at our wedding. I was so emotional that I could barely sing it without my voice quivering. Near the end of the song, the doctors were attempting to get Ethan out and when they did, all we heard was crying!

It was Baby Ethan and I will admit, I cried my eyes out. For such a long time, I have been waiting for THAT SOUND in the delivery room and it finally came! What a precious sound it was...my SON was born.

Welcome to your family, Baby Ethan...love mommy and daddy

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Needy Dog

Well, it sure has been a long time since I last blogged on this site. But now, I have time as I wait in anticipation of our new addition. But I know a Dog who is also anticipating change and is therefore, becoming more needy and emotional. Dogs truly have a seventh sense in knowing that something is about to change. Kona has been sniffing my tummy lots lately and trying to stay close by my side whenever we are home alone. He has also become more attached to Wackie and always laying his head wherever he is sitting so that he could get pet. He's even doing that to me, which is not as common. Not only that, he's getting sick again, which always happens when he gets emotional. I know, this dog is on a league of his own. Don't worry, I got a couple new toys to present to him when the new addition arrives and even bought him wet dog food to celebrate. He only gets these at Christmas or other special holidays, so I know he'll like it when I give it to him.
But I guess till then, I'll give him a little more attention. All I can say is, What a Dog!