
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Playing in Bed

To my surprise yesterday, after putting Ethan down for a nap yesterday, he started to cry shortly after. I went in to check on him and found him lying on his tummy. He must of flipped himself around from his back to his stomach and couldn't get himself back onto his back.
Then during his afternoon nap, I was standing and watching him play in his crib and discovered how he turns himself around in bed. Wackie and I always wondered how after naps or in the morning, he is at the opposite side of the bed or stuck in a corner. Now we know why. I guess that is why babies need cribs with rails up. What a guy!
You'll have to watch till the end when he finally turns himself. Enjoy.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Little Too Active for Nap Time

This is Ethan working out all his excess energy prior to going for his nap. I had to take a video of this as it was way too funny to miss.
You think he'll be an energetic little boy?!?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Growing Up

Ethan is looking more and more like a little boy, rather than a baby. Lately, he has been finding his hand and sucking on them which tells us he is developing since now he can move his hand to his mouth. He has also learned to put his little hands together and pick up his toys. Of course, he has also started to blow raspberries which is his new found joy. He even tries while feeding, but it doesn't work too well. He also likes to stand and bounce which tells us we better go and get one of those exersaucers that allows him to jump. My arms just aren't strong enough to bounce him for a long time. He can probably roll over from his back to his tummy, but I always stop him, cuz the only time he wants to do that is on the change table! Too scary - little dare devil. As the weather is warming up, I'm looking forward to bringing him out for walks, but first we need to get a stroller with bigger wheels. I guess there is always new things to buy...

Monday, February 18, 2008

In Bloom

I love watching plants and especially my orchids grow and bloom. This orchid plant is extra special as it was given to me by my parents the day Ethan was born. It was in full bloom back in October, but the blooms quickly fell after bringing it home. It was quite sad watching each bloom fall off. I cut the bloom stems off and look, it's back in bloom! It grew 2 new shoots and in a few weeks, it'll be in full bloom. Aren't they pretty. This is a different type of orchid than your usual ones you see in store. This one is in the family of the Oncidium; Tiger Crow "Golden Girl", I like it because it's yellow (more unusual flower color) and it looks so different. Enjoy the blooms.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, the commercial Valentine's day has come again when flowers, chocolates and cards are all overpriced! Most of you know I'm a sucker for flowers, potted of cut fresh, but during this time of the year, I refuse to pay the marked up prices for them. Even Costco flowers went up in price for roses. Usually, you get 2 dozen roses for $18.99, but yesterday when we went, they were a dozen roses for $17.99. Nope, I didn't get flowers yesterday, but I did get some a couple weeks ago and here is what it looks like now. I never can get roses to open up for me. I cut them in an angle with a sharp knife, change the water every other day, and give them food. I even placed them in warm water as that is suppose to get them to open up. I truly don't have luck with roses. Orchids on the other had, I can get them to grow and re-bloom. What am I doing wrong?
Well, no fresh flowers this week, I'll get them next week when they're back to "regular" price.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Salsa Dancing with Baby!

Well I decided to take Ethan out to trial some Salsa dancing. A dance company was giving a free class at Lululemon today for an hour in the afternoon. So figuring there was nothing to lose, but more to gain, we tried it out. It was actually quite fun. There were quite a few mommies and babies there today and we did it right in the store so it was tight, but we made it work anyways. We learned a few dance moves and I'm sure my hips will feel some what sore tomorrow. Ethan loved it so much, he fell asleep in his snuggle - ha ha. All together we did 4 different types of dance, but I could only remember two names: the Salsa (of course) and the Cha Cha. The class is much more fun than working out, so I'll think about possibly actually joining a class. We'll see. Ethan is getting quite heavy to carry around in the sling ;)

Saturday, February 09, 2008

Sad Birthday to Me

Well, it has been a sad birthday after all...
Though I was surrounded by friends of my small group, none knew it was my birthday, therefore, no birthday wishes to the gal turning... oh never mind :) I did however recieve a few birthday wishes via phone and e-mail, but it is never the same as in person. Thankfully the Lamy's came by to wish me a "Happy" Birthday and dropped off some very yummy cupcakes. Too bad there isn't anyone around to enjoy them with me, so sadly, I placed a candle in one, sang myself the birthday song, made a wish and blew the candle.
Sigh... is this what the up coming year is going to be like?!?

At least Ethan loves me!

Monday, February 04, 2008

Just about 4 Months!

Well, our baby boy is just about 4 months old and he has experience the very cold Alberta weather. Don't worry, he never actually felt how cold it was as Mom and baby stayed inside for almost the entire week. At least during that time we truly discovered Ethan's sleep times: daytime naps and bed time. Whew, it is making life a little easier now.
I'm always being asked if I am enjoying my "time off" as I'm on Mat. leave and I never really know how to answer that question. Do I be brutally honest and say, well, it's work 24/7 with no set coffee breaks, lunch breaks and/or solid night time sleep, or do I just laugh and say, yes, it's nice. I guess, I'll just wait till they have a newborn in their household and ask them the same question :)
Anyway, there has been lots of funny moments... here are a few pictures to share.
P.S. Baby is now crying and I need to go and comfort him.